Incentius partners with leading organization to develop an auto-code automation testing platform Marketing December 13, 2021

PUNE, India – Dec. 9, 2021 

We are proud to announce a partnership with a rapidly growing Bengaluru-based organization that transforms software delivery by leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Deep Technology. They have developed an auto-code automation testing platform that is self-learning and easy to maintain and has already covered substantial ground in the Digital Commerce and Medical Devices Industries.

In this partnership, both the companies share a vision of mutual collaboration, end-user success, and growth opportunities for years to come. This partnership will enable us to expand our service portfolio and provide scalability to satisfy the industry’s rising needs around the world.

The team at Incentius will be helping them make a shift from their current desktop-based application to a web-based platform. The platform aims to help clients develop software better, quicker, and cheaper. It will lower clients’ R&D expenses, speed up the time to market, improve quality, and lower business risks.

Both organizations together want to evolve the way companies manage their technology development. We want to deliver end-to-end automation by designing and deploying frontend web-based management applications without compromising on flexibility, timeliness, and quality.

The combined efforts of both organizations will help all organizations to become less reliant on external vendors for their testing program while enhancing their decision support capabilities leveraging our automation.

“Our team is excited and thrilled to be a part of a probable revolutionary platform and will continue to focus on the mission of improving the overall effectiveness in the current process,” said Amit Jain, Co-Founder and Director of Customer Success at Incentius. “We are proud of what we have achieved until now and look forward to continuing our relationships with our valued customers and clients with an unwavering commitment to focusing on productivity enabled through deep business knowledge, new-age technologies, and innovative cloud platforms.”

Here is the link to the original press release:

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MERN vs. MEAN Stack — How are they different? Marketing December 9, 2021


Full-stack development is becoming increasingly important in the world of software development. A full-stack development solution includes front-end, back-end, testing, and application development. The need for a full-stack designer is increasing dramatically in the western age. A full-stack developer may handle all aspects of a program’s development. MEAN Stack and MERN Stack are two examples of full-stack development frameworks.

We are still learning a lot about the digital world. As we grow, the technologies around us also evolve. The new-age technology is going through a lot of advancements to meet the demand of today’s population. If you have built a web application or mobile application, then do not be satisfied yet as it is not enough. Your new startup needs the best and correct tech stack for your projects. The MEAN, MERN, and MEVN technological stacks or collection of technologies used in the JavaScript ecosystem are among the most widely used by custom web application programmers. MEAN and MERN both are Java-based full-stack technologies.

MEAN Stack:

Among the most prominent Technology stack is MEAN Stack. MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node are the four major technologies that build up the structure of the stack, and MEAN is termed after them. It’s an easy-to-use stack that’s perfect for creating interactive web applications. The expansive and open-source stack provides a simple and systematic technique for quickly prototyping internet apps.

Benefits of MEAN:

1. Both the back end and the front end are written in the same syntax. It improves synchronization and enables programs to reply more quickly.

2. It is financially more beneficial. All components of the MEAN stack are open-source, which reduces production costs.

3. Isomorphic coding becomes feasible thanks to the MEAN stack. One can quickly shift the code to some other platform that is developed in a certain framework through its assistance.

MERN Stack:

MERN can be termed as a variant of MEAN stack that uses React.js instead of the standard Angular.js frontend technology. It’s intended to make the program go more smoothly and efficiently. All of the four advanced technologies offer an end-to-end infrastructure for programmers to operate in, and they all play an important role in the creation of online apps.

Benefits of MERN: 

1. One single programming code covers both the front end and the back end and just JAVA and JSON are required to finish the operation.

2. Developed tools that enable proper monitoring.

3. It is based on a technical community with an easily modifiable script.

Differences between the two: 

Understanding the key differences between the MEAN stack and the MERN stack is important. Here are the most important differences between the two: 


Understanding both technologies plays an important role in your decision-making process. Choosing a stack that serves your needs and is easy to use will make for the best choice. 

Top 5 Python Libraries Marketing November 29, 2021

Python is a computer programming language that is quite popular among everyone. It does not matter if you work in the development field, you must have heard of the Python language once in your life! Python is popular among developers for a variety of reasons, one of which is that it offers an incredibly huge library of libraries with which users may work. With its comfort and efficiency of use, it is a fairly basic computer program. Python wants its employees to be more prolific in all aspects of development, deployment, and maintenance. One other factor for Python’s immense popularity is its adaptability. When compared to C, Java, and C++, Python’s programming syntax is straightforward to learn and has a high level of abstraction.

What are Python libraries?

A Python library is a reusable code snippet that you can use in your programs and projects. The term ‘library’ refers to a collection of modules. This language includes a huge standard library and allows effective memory allocation. A Python library is a collection of programming languages that can be used in other Python projects. It is essentially a set of modules. Their value stems from the fact that they do not necessitate the creation of new codes every time the same procedure is required to run. Python libraries are useful for data science, machine learning, and data manipulation applications, among other things.

While referring to the Standard Library in Python, the term “library” is most usually used. The existence of a huge number of standard libraries in Python simplifies the life of a coder. The Standard Library is bundled with Python and installed alongside it, ensuring that its modules are always available to Python code. Python’s Standard Library is a collection of the language’s precise syntax, tokens, and interpretations. It’s included in the standard Python installation. This is written primarily and takes care of things like I/O and other essential functions.

What are the common libraries in Python?

Here is a list of some common libraries in Python:?

1. Pandas:

Is Python suitable for data science? Yes, it’s possible! Pandas is an example of a library that can assist you in achieving this goal. It offers fast, concise, and versatile data structures for working with organized (table form, multivariate, potentially diverse) and time-series information faster. It is a Python machine learning toolkit that includes high bandwidth structures as well as several analytical techniques. It ensures that the entire data manipulation procedure is simplified. Pandas include support for re-indexing, repetition, filtering, data analytics, sequences, and representations, among other activities.

2. NumPy:

NumPy is a popular and efficient Python library with advanced math capabilities and a fundamental compute-intensive suite. NumPy is a simple and exciting tool. It simplifies the execution of difficult mathematical equations. Coding becomes a lot easier, and understanding the ideas appears to be a lot easier. The language can be used to represent images, sound waves, and other binary raw streams as an N-dimensional array of real values.

3. TensorFlow:

TensorFlow is used in practically every Google machine learning model. It is designed to be fast, and it employs techniques such as XLA to do speedy basic mathematical computations. It functions as a cognitive library for building novel algorithms involving a huge number of tensor actions. Because neural pathways are easily defined as functional networks, TensorFlow can be used to implement them as a sequence of tensor operations. TensorFlow’s libraries are developed entirely in C and C++. It is popular due to its useful properties, which include flexibility, a huge community, a dynamic structure, and the ability to be readily trained.

4. SciPy:

SciPy presents a multitude of numerical algorithms that are both user-friendly and effective. SciPy is a Python-based machine learning framework for programmers and researchers. Components for planning, linear programming, integration, and stats are included in this library. SciPy’s key characteristic is that it was written in NumPy, and its collection makes extensive use of NumPy. Furthermore, SciPy uses its particular components to provide all of the effective computational algorithms such as optimization, numerical methods, and many others. The functions in SciPy’s components are extensively documented.

5. Keras:

Keras is regarded as one of Python’s most interesting deep learning packages. It’s a Python-based framework, which makes it simple to debug and investigate. It also comes with several useful tools for constructing models, manipulating sets of data, graph visualization, and much more. It runs without a hitch on both the CPU and GPU. It supports nearly all neural network models, including fully connected, multilayer, filtering, repeating, integrating, etc. Such models can also be merged to create more sophisticated models. Its modular design makes it very expressive, adaptable, and well-suited to cutting-edge research. It allows neural networks to be expressed more easily.


Python is a programming language with abundant libraries that help develop a wide range of applications in the real world. All you need now are some skilled python developers to accomplish your goals. We hope that this blog helped you understand the importance and efficiency of this high-level, dynamically typed, and interpreted language.

The importance of data warehouses Marketing

What is a data warehouse? 

Data warehouses are enormous storage facilities for data collected from a variety of sources. It’s an abstracted representation of the company’s operations, arranged by subject. It has undergone a lot of transformation and has a lot of structure. Data isn’t entered into the data warehouse until its purpose is determined. Data that is organized, filtered, and has been processed before for a clear objective is stored in a Data warehouse. 

Why should startups choose a data warehouse?

Decisions are made based on a set of data. Data is processed, analyzed, and then the decision part of the process takes place. Data warehouses show significant differences from operational databases in the sense that they hold past data, allowing corporate leaders to study data over a prolonged period of time. Your startup needs a data warehouse because: 

1. They ensure consistency:

Data warehouses are storage spaces programmed in a way that eases your work. They apply a standard format to all the data collected and makes it easier for the employees to analyze this structured data and share insights with the team later.

2. They will help make better decisions: 

Understanding the trends and patterns of the market is important. Decisions need to be based on facts and that is exactly where data warehouses come in. They increase the speed and accuracy with which multiple data sets can be accessed, making it easier for business decisions to extract insights that help them develop market strategy that would set them apart from their peers.

3. Maximises Efficiency:

Data warehouses allow leaders to access the data that helps them understand the pattern and make future strategies. Understanding what has worked in the past and how effective their previous methods have been really saves time and is effective.

How do data warehouses benefit startups?

If you are planning on starting a software startup and are worried about data storing options, then a data warehouse would make for a great choice. Data warehouses are capable of delivering enhanced business intelligence, improve the quality of data, maintain consistency, save time, generate a high run on investment (ROI), enable organizations to forecast confidently, improve the decision-making process, and provide competitive advantage. These are some of the ways data warehouses can prove to be beneficial for your business. 

Can a data warehouse replace a data lake? 

A data lake is not a replacement for a data warehouse. As mentioned above, these terms cannot be used interchangeably. There are significant differences between the two. Some of these differences include: 

1. Structure of the data:

 Raw data is data in its original form. It has not been processed for any purpose yet. One of the major differences between data lakes and data warehouses is the structure of data stored. Data warehouse generally stores data that has been processed, about the needs of a clear objective or specific goals whereas data lake stores data in raw form, which is unprocessed data. This is one reason why data lakes require a much larger storage capacity than data warehouses. Data that has not been processed is pliable and may be readily evaluated for any purpose, making it perfect for machine learning. Moreover, with so much raw data, data lakes can easily become data swamps if proper data quality and control mechanisms aren’t in place.

2. Purpose:

The purpose of data stored in data lakes is undetermined. They may be used in the future for a specific purpose but till then we just have floating raw data that is taking up storage space. On the other hand, if we talk about data warehouses, the data stored there is structured and filtered according to the needs of a particular objective. This means that the space used by that data is never going to be wasted as this data will surely be used. However, one cannot say the same for data stored in data lakes. 

3. Processing:

Data warehouse needs structured and organized data. You must filter and alter the data before entering it into a data warehouse. Frequently, you’ll need to represent it as a star or snowflake schema, which adheres to the schema-on-read principle (SQL). If we talk about data lakes, you don’t have to process the data here as any and every form of data can be stored in data lakes. When you’re prepared to use the data, you can use schema-on-write to give it the required shape and structure.

4. Security:

The data lake will contain essential and frequently extremely sensitive company data as big and growing volumes of different data are poured into it. Hence, the security of the data becomes a major concern. Data warehouses are more established and reliable than data lakes. Advanced technologies, which include data lakes, are still in their infancy. As a result, the capacity to secure data in a data lake becomes immature. Unlike advanced technologies, data warehouse advancements have been here and in use for decades.

5. Insights and Users:

Since data lakes contain all forms of data and allow users to access data before it has been processed, cleansed, or structured, they can get to their results faster than with a standard data warehouse. Those inexperienced with raw data may find it challenging to navigate data lakes. To comprehend and translate raw, unstructured information for any unique business use, a data scientist and specialized tools are usually required. Data scientists are now using data lakes. We can locate structured data in a data warehouse that is straightforward to navigate for business professionals. Processed data, such as that found in data warehouses, just needs that the user is knowledgeable about the subject matter.


A data warehouse is a centralised collection of data that can be studied to help people make better decisions. Moving beyond conventional databases and into the world of data warehousing can help organisations get more out of their analytics initiatives.

Python — A Better Scripting Language Marketing

One of the most used scripting languages, Python is popular among developers due to its ease of use and versatility. It is simple to comprehend and get used to and as we know, a coder will use any programming language with which they are most accustomed and which gets the task done most successfully. Python is widely used in both academia and the industry, and it has a global following. Python is regarded as one of the most powerful strong computer languages available. Python has a great number of libraries and modules, according to experts. Libraries store code for common functions so developers shouldn’t have to develop them from the start.

Is Python a Programming language?

Is Python considered to be a programming language? Is it possible that it’s a scripting language? To set the record straight, Python is a programming language that may also be used for scripting. It is a popular programming language that is also an interpreted language that executes at runtime. It is much more flexible and adaptive than most scripting languages as it converts code. Python is a scripting language because it interprets source code. Python is well-liked for its clean and simple syntax and coding in Python requires far less typing than other languages.

Is Python a Scripting language? 

In the natural world, all scripting languages are considered programming languages. The only difference is that the scripting language may be easily interpreted without the need for compilation. Python is a programming and scripting language that is considered to be one of the most popular computer languages. An interpreter is used to translate and execute its code. Python’s use as a scripting language is thus justified. A scripting language is indeed a programming language that automates a repetitive process involving more or less the same types of steps while running a process or application. It will help to decrease human efforts, save time, and lower expenses even further. To run the program in scripting languages, a separate runtime execution is required. The majority of scripting languages are interpreted instead of constructed. Scripting language refers to a language that is interpreted. Python is a scripting language. Python’s code is translated and executed using an interpreter. It is therefore a scripting language.

Is Python the best Scripting language?

Python is unquestionably a leading scripting language on par with JavaScript or C++, and it is among the most widely utilized by firms and companies. Python remains relevant, despite being nearly thirty years old, because of its convenience of use, thriving community, and numerous applications. It’s adaptable and provides everything software developers require. Python is a worthwhile investment of time and effort. It’s advantageous on numerous levels. It is a tough and powerful programming language. Python has something for everyone, even if you’re a beginner or a seasoned coder.

Why has Python become so popular?

One of the languages that continue to rise in popularity year after year, is Python. Python is used in web programming, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data analysis, operating systems, mobile application development, and gameplay creation. Python’s popularity among developers can be attributed to several factors, including:

  • Supportive Community:

 Positive community involvement benefits a coding language in a variety of ways, particularly whenever the language is open-source. Python is a free programming language that comes with several essential libraries, tools, as well as online documentation. There is a wealth of material, guidelines, and tutorial videos accessible for the Scripting language that learners and developers of all skill ages and levels can use to improve their understanding of the language.

  • Easy to learn:

For newbies and novices, this language is relatively straightforward to understand. Python is amongst the most approachable scripting languages today since it has a simple syntax and so is not overly technical, allowing natural language to take hold. Python codes can be produced and performed way quicker than other scripting languages due to their ease of understanding and use. It is also said to be more clear than most other computer languages by many developers. When numerous programmers are involved, it is suited for a shared execution.

  • Abundance of libraries and frameworks:

Python includes good libraries that you may use to pick and save time and effort on the original production cycle, thanks to its corporate backing and large network of support. It is made up of many frameworks and libraries. These can assist a developer in simplifying and speeding up the process. Python enables developers to make the most of these packages and frameworks. Many cloud media providers also provide cross-platform access through library-like services, which can be incredibly useful.

  • Highly secure:

Do you want to choose Python for your startup but are confused about it? Are you worried if it is a secure option or not? Python is often regarded as one of the safest computer languages. White box testing, unit testing, integration testing, and other security aspects are used. It has the ability to withstand a wide range of strikes.

  • Super efficient:

Python applications may be developed and deployed in almost any environment, with next to no performance loss regardless of platform. Another advantage of the Python language’s adaptability is that it may be implemented in a wide range of situations, including mobile apps, desktop apps, web development, hardware coding, etc. Python’s adaptability makes it more appealing to use because of its wide variety of uses. 


Python has become one of the most popular coding languages among the developers’ community, be it for programming or scripting. It is indeed a very good scripting language. 

Why choose Python for your startup? Marketing October 14, 2021

Python is a programming language that has some of the most variety among its coding peers. It’s a dynamically structured, interpreted, object-oriented strong programming language. In recent decades, it has become one of the most widely used programming languages on the market. Python is used in conjunction with an interpreter, which runs the finished lines of code. It’s applied in a variety of applications, including machine learning, website development, data analysis, and test automation. It is suitable for both developers and non-developers.

Is Python a programming language or a scripting language? 

To respond to this topic, one must first understand the distinction between programming and scripting languages. All scripting languages are considered programming languages in nature. The sole distinction is that the scripting language is readily interpreted and does not necessitate compilation. Because compiled codes are converted into native machine programs, they run faster than interpreted codes. We can also create a programming interpreter and utilize it as a scripting language. Regarded as one of the most popular computer languages, Python makes for both, a programming language as well as a scripting language. Its code is translated and executed using an interpreter. This justifies Python as a scripting language. Python has also gained popularity because of the ease it provides to users. One can begin their career immediately with python. Python offers a variety of development choices, including object-relational mapping, multiprocessing, and web programming. Python is a programming language that is widely used. Python has already been adopted by several sectors. Python is attempting to accomplish both development and scripting duties.

Features of Python: 

The dynamic, free open source programming language has a lot of features that are worth mentioning. Some of them include: 

1. Smooth Integration:

Python is, by definition, an integrated language. This means that the Python interpreter runs each line of code separately. There arises no need to build Python code which makes debugging considerably easier and efficient.

2. Supports Test-driven development:

Before designing the real code, TDD advocates writing tests that verify the functioning of your code. Only once you’re satisfied with your testing and the features they test should you start writing actual code to meet the conditions required by the test that will allow it to pass. Python supports TDD and makes the process smooth and efficient. 

3. Provides a wide range of standard libraries:

Python helps control the firms’ development costs as it comes with a large number of pre-built libraries and frameworks that are available for free. Developers have free access to these libraries and frameworks. This helps them create strong software in a quick, cost-effective, and efficient manner.

4. Ideal for ML and Big Data:

The Data processing speed offered by Python makes it more than ideal for Big Data applications. Due to its simple syntax and convenient code, Python routines are run at a relatively short time required by other computer languages.

Reasons that make Python an Ideal Choice for a Start-up: 

Python has to offer many features that will help reduce your burden and ease your workload. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider Python for your start-up

1. Scalable:

Python offers features like multi-programming paradigm support and interpreted language, which makes it scalable. It accommodates a variety of programming paradigms, including object-oriented, reactive, and algorithmic programming. Python is a good language for businesses since it supports a variety of programming paradigms. Python is an interpreted language that allows developers to easily construct scripts and code on a bigger scale. As a result, the time of the project is cut in half.

2. User-friendly:

Python is among the most straightforward and easy-to-understand programming languages. It is because of its clean, organized, and unambiguous syntax, it is simple to use and learn. Its code is quite understandable and equivalent to the English language. Python is a very simple language to learn relative to other programming languages such as C++, Javascript, and Java. Python is a fairly simple program to code with, and anyone can learn the basics within a few hours or days. As a result, it’s language-friendly to the development community. Developers can easily examine, analyze, and modify Python code. This shortens the number of apps by speeding up the research and deployment process.

3. Versatile:

Python can operate on a variety of platforms that includes Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Macintosh. As a result, we may conclude that Python is a versatile programming language. It allows programmers to create software for several rival platforms by creating only one program. Python is one of the most versatile programming languages in the business since it is built-in C and permits the execution of code written in other programming languages such as Java, C, and C#. Other programming languages do not allow for this, making Python one of the most versatile and portable languages on the market.

4. Is open-source and free:

Being an open-source programming language, Python can be improved and developed by anyone. An online community where thousands of developers meet every day to discuss how they can modify the language for the better. The Open Source Action plan has verified all recent iterations of Python, and they are all copyrighted under a GPL compatible license. This means that you can use Python’s infrastructure without having to shell out more money.


Python has become a popular and widely used programming language because of features such as its flexibility, ease of use nature, versatility, security, etc. This makes it a popular choice for startups as it provides efficient results with minimum effort. 

The role of Data lakes Marketing October 4, 2021

The role of data lakes is very significant. The ability to gather more information from even more sources in little time, as well as enabling people to interact and analyze data in new ways, translates to improved quality improvement. A data lake contains all data sets, unorganized and semi-structured, from a large range of data sources, making it far more versatile in terms of its potential applications.

What is a data lake? 

A data lake can be defined as a large collection of unprocessed data. It is a big storage area that can keep a large amount of data (mainly unorganized) in its raw form for future evaluation. Data lakes take advantage of data warehouses’ biggest flaw: their lack of flexibility.

Why should startups choose data lakes? 

If you are new to the world of business and have just started an online business, you might be wondering about how and where to store the data. Data lakes can help you store all kinds of data, organized or unorganized. Data lakes provide a comprehensive and broader perspective of data. They use a more adaptable approach to data analysis and emphasize the significance of all data. There are various reasons why your startup needs to choose data lakes: 

Scalability at a lower cost: 

A very significant advantage of a Data Lake to any company, especially a startup is the capacity to store an enormous amount of information for a low cost, which is less than that of a defined data company warehouse.

Ensures data availability:

Data lake ensures that all employees have access to the data stored, no matter what their designation is. They have the option to use a specific part of the data that serves their purpose during a meeting or presentation. 

Preserves raw data:

Since all the data, organized or not, can be stored in data lakes, it makes for a great space that allows a person to preserve raw data and explore it later when there is a requirement. It can be used in the future for data exploration and data analytics. 

Provide room for creativity:

If you are someone with an entrepreneurial mindset, then you should always use a tool that does not restrict your creativity. For a startup who is still learning the dos and don’ts of the world, building habits that restrict their imagination might not be the best idea. Data lakes don’t bind businesses to certain analytics and insight models. 

How do data lakes benefit startups? 

Democratizing data, obtaining better quality data, providing scalability at a lower cost, being versatile and adaptable for all kinds of format, supporting multiple other languages other than SQL, and using advanced analytics to support business growth and make the process more efficient are some of the ways that data lakes can help a startup grow.

Which is more cost-efficient: Data lake or data warehouse? 

Building data lakes is substantially less expensive than building data warehouses. A warehouse can take quite a long time to construct from the ground up, making it highly costly in the end. Using advanced analytics to store data is less expensive than using a data warehouse. This is because data technologies are frequently open-source, which means that license and community support are both free. The data technologies are intended for use with low-cost commodity hardware. A data warehouse can be expensive to store, especially if the amount of data is large. A data lake, on the other side, is made for cost-effective storage.


There are multiple benefits of using a data lake. It makes for a practical and important tool for data storage for startups.

FinTech impact on Financial Services Marketing September 17, 2021

What is FinTech? How is FinTech disrupting Financial Services?

A combination of the words Finance and technology: FinTech. Financial processes can get complex sometimes and FinTech companies aim to make these processes easy and efficient. 

As the financial procedures such as investments, payments, loans, etc. have simplified over the years, it all only requires a person to have a good internet connection and an electronic device (Laptop, phone) that supports online transactions. The new generation is a generation that runs low on patience. Everything needs to happen within seconds. The idea for financial services also remains the same. The introduction of new financial technologies that occur as a result of prudent financial management while employing digital technology has become a crucial component in the growth of financial markets. Considering this, banks had no other choice but to launch new digital interfaces through which all financial services can be accessed. The introduction of new technologies and ideas has had a huge impact on the financial sector, on the financial services market. Development in the area includes the introduction of e-wallets, online funding, digital banking, P2P platforms, online insurance, etc. The growth and success that Fintech companies are achieving come as no surprise. Their objectives are easy-to-grasp, easy accessibility during all times also plays an important role, using their services does not burn your pocket, and the work gets done. Fintech companies are leading in financial services delivery, transaction medium, and business analysis methodology. 

Which parts of the Financial sector are being disrupted by FinTech? 

This unique amalgamation of Financial services and technology has been through all kinds of changes over time. Traditional financial systems are being transformed by Fintech companies now. This is essential because the majority of the audience is choosing to go with the easier, more convenient way to go about their financial transactions. Some of the ways that FinTech has an impact on the Financial System includes: 

1. Transactions: 

You do not need to wait in a long queue outside the bank if you want money. Almost all the shops have started to accept online payments as the digital world continues to grow. It also makes for a more economical and safer option as online transactions require you to have no cash in hand. You can pay money online through any device, by just logging in with your credentials. Most of the banks even have applications that help you with the transaction process. P2P money exchange (transfers that take place between individuals), B2B payments (transfers that take place between legal entities), mass payment services, cloud cash desks, smart terminals, are just some of the many services that Fintech companies offer for their customers. Financial services applications also help you keep track of where you spent your money, and maintain a budget. Some of the examples of online payment apps include Paytm, Google pay, PhonePe, ICICI Pockets, etc. 

2. Lending:

Fintech innovations are here to stay. Innovations in the field have negated multiple visits to the lenders’ office. Fintech has made it possible to apply for a loan online. Fintech has not only brought the lending sector online, but it has also simplified and accelerated the process. PaySense, LoanTap, KreditBee are some of the most popular brands that lend money online when there is a requirement. Some lenders provide immediate loans with minimal paperwork. 

3. Investment:

Mutual funds, FDs, Stock Market, you must have heard about these terms. Consumers benefit from lower management and product expenses, as well as more focused professional assistance. As the documentation process has become much easier through Fintech companies, you can now effortlessly invest online by just completing a few steps. The KYC documentation has become direct and easy with the establishment of the Central KYC registry. You must have heard about brands like Groww, myCAMS, PayTM money, and KTrack mobile app among many others that can help serve your purpose of investing in Mutual funds, FDs, and stock markets. 

4. Customer service chatbots:

Another feature that is worth mentioning about FinTech companies is how they have introduced Customer service chatbots that use machine learning and natural language processing which helps them interact with customers online. This makes the entire process smoother as these bots are there to help the customers every step of the way. Some companies have taken it to a higher level and introduced other functions as well. One such feature is giving investment advice to customers which can be seen in Bank of America’s chatbot, Erica. 

Impact of Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in FinTech: 

Development of new and innovative designs that alter the financial processes by being efficient, helping in decision making, provide insights that can help simplify user experience has made the functioning much easier for users. AI and Machine learning have changed the world of financial services for good. Fraud protection is much needed in today’s world. Online scams, theft, and hacking have got everyone scared but with the help of AI and Machine learning, everything is in control. They protect both parties, i.e., the users and organizations. Protection of users’ accounts, or cyber security is guaranteed as the algorithms can identify suspicious activities and inform users. Insurance policies are being reshaped using artificial intelligence. FinTech apps are being used to measure the level of risk in this market, which is heavily influenced by financial tools. Organizations can use technology to calculate a person’s risk level based on their activity. Chatbots are also a product of AI and Machine learning and have made everything much simpler for users to understand. With the help of AI and Machine learning, FinTech companies have come a long way with great progress. 

What is the effect of FinTech on banks? 

The banking sector does realize that they would now need to simplify their traditional banking methods, transactional processes, and in general all the financial steps that used to take up so many days. The only thing is that it is not a day’s work, it would take a good amount of time to get the complete change we are looking for. The banking sector has realized this as well and thus started to fund the FinTech companies. Funding FinTech startups will allow them to create products that can help better the services provided to users and make the process much easier. Products created by these startups can then be added to bank products which will only improve the user experience and help the general public. 


As the technological world is growing, it is important to keep up. FinTech companies provide an easier and efficient way by offering several financial services. These companies also help save a lot of time and effort as everything can be done from the luxury of your home. 

Top React Libraries to try in 2021 Marketing September 13, 2021

Web development is a vast field. One of the most popular front-end Javascript libraries in this field is known as React. Being free and open-source, React helps users build UI components and user interfaces. There are multiple other frameworks available in the market such as Angular.js, but React makes for the best choice as it has many advantages over other frameworks. As the software development trends continue to change, you need to make sure that you are updated with the latest version of everything! React is mainly used to build quick, effective, and interactive user interfaces for web and/or mobile applications.

There is a reason why React has taken over the web development world and is the best choice among all front-end development frameworks.

Some of the reasons why React has become a popular choice include:

  • We all know that coding is an essential and complex part of the web development process. React makes the process much easier by offering more functionality and demanding less coding.
  • If you know the basic HTML and JavaScript concepts, then learning React will not be a hard task for you. It involves basic knowledge of the two with some additional information. You will need to spend some time understanding the React library properly.
  • React offers reusable components, meaning that these building blocks can be reused throughout the application. This saves a lot of development time.

Is React a library or a framework?

React is a toolkit that allows developers to create user interfaces (UIs) in the form of a tree of tiny components. A component is a combination of HTML and JavaScript that contains all of the logic needed to display a tiny piece of a bigger user interface. Each of these elements can be used to create increasingly complex aspects of an app.

You might be wondering that with so many library options to choose from, which one would suit your needs best? Choosing the correct React component library need not always be a complicated task. We have got you covered as we list down the most popular React UI libraries:

1. Material UI:

A User Interface library that came back with a new and improved version of itself. Loved by the developers’ community, Material UI is the best example of how simplicity can have a genuine and efficient impact. 

2. Semantic UI React:

Imagine what all customizations you would want to make to your application if you did not have any restrictions. Well, with one of the best component libraries, Semantic UI React you are free to customize your application as and how you would like. Semantic UI React has many noticeable features such as its declarative API, sub-components that provide flexibility, augmentation, etc. 

3. React Bootstrap:

The Bootstrap build for React is called React Bootstrap. An open-source bootstrap popular for the front-end, React Bootstrap negates the presence of all unwanted libraries such as jQuery. 

4. Ant Design React:

Ant Design React makes for a smooth user experience as it provides you with customizations to modify and enhance your designs. It also catches the attention of developers as it provides a mobile-friendly version that would help create mobile applications. Creating user faces that are engaging is always one of the primary goals of any developer. With Ant Design React, this goal can be accomplished easily. It allows for powerful theme customization to happen, supports multiple languages, and gives the developers power to develop a set of high-quality react components. 

5. Rebass:

A developer can now pay undivided attention to page development. Rebass makes for one of the best grid libraries and also has a theme provider. It allows developers to integrate with other libraries. This enhances the quality of their work and also upgrades the user experience. 

6. React Motion:

React Motion uses Spring configuration to define the animation. Creating realistic animations becomes much easier and quicker with the help of React Motion. React Motion also provides documentation that is not very complex and can be understood easily so you can skip worrying about the complexities. 

7. React 360:

If you want to catch up with the world today, then you must include AR/VR experience in your business. These experiences help better understand the product or service and leave the users impressed. React 360 will help you simplify the process of creating VR. Your creation will be able to run smoothly on all electronic devices that support VR. We live in a world of augmented and virtual reality, so it is best to include them in your plan.

8. React Desktop: 

A JavaScript-based library, React Desktop is one of the best React libraries whose primary goal is to bring the experience of using a native desktop to the web. Developers can easily use UI components from React Desktop to duplicate user interfaces provided by Windows and macOS.

9. Gatsby: 

Functionality from React, Webpack, and GraphQL, all combined into an open-source framework namely Gatsby. The modern world of web development is seeing Gatsby make its place as it has impressive features, friendly developer experiences, code splitting, etc.

What libraries to use with React? 

Building functional and impressive applications through a process that is much quicker and demands less coding is possible with the help of libraries. Here are some libraries you could use with React: 

1. React Router: 

Navigation in SPA can become easier with React router. It is nothing but a collection of components that can be used to compose declaratively in your application.

2. Redux: 

Redux is the best example of a State Management Library. Redux gives the developers the freedom to edit their codes even after the application is live. It can be used with frameworks like Angular, Vue, other JS frameworks in addition to the library components of React UI.

Above are a couple of libraries that can be used with React. We will follow up with a comprehensive list in our next blog soon.


Several React libraries serve specific purposes out in the market. Some of the most prominent and efficient libraries have been mentioned in this blog. Developing an application will become easier and more effective with the help of the above-mentioned framework. 

Hire Knowledgeable Full Stack Developers for Excellent App Development Services – Incentius Marketing September 6, 2021

Businesses will require a great development team to bring any app idea to life as per their requirement and budget. Organizations need to hire experienced and knowledgeable full-stack developers to have a strong development team that is efficient in creating amazing apps for businesses. Full-Stack developers have sound knowledge of both the front-end and the back-end technologies essential for creating apps. These developers are familiar with diverse programming languages and frameworks and handle different tasks such as databases, development of user-friendly websites, and challenges related to UX/UI design and QA sessions, etc.

Hire Full Stack developers that are proficient in the following skills:

Full Stack developers are capable of building both the frontend and backend of the app, and hence they must be aware of at least one programming language for back-end development such as PHP, Python, Ruby, or Java. Knowledge of any of these languages will help them in backend development.

  • Knowledge of frontend programming frameworks such as React.js, Vue.js, etc
  • Knowledge of essential markup languages like HTML or CSS
  • Basic knowledge of UX/UI design, project management, and web design
  • Web architecture knowledge is also a must for full-stack programming
  • Competent in structuring the code and files, categorize data in the cloud and execute all necessary programming tasks.
  • Knowledge of working with databases like MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • Have some knowledge about security concerns and best practices.
  • Knowledge of HTTP and REST because these are vital for software development. HTTP is a protocol facilitating communication with clients, and REST is an interface that connects the frontend and the backend of the application.

Businesses should hire full-stack developers having specialization in writing codes on both the client-side and server-side of the application. The developers should be aware of the new development techniques, programming tools, and industry trends. These developers have to play a key role in almost every stage of the software development cycle right from designing, development, testing, and even fixing bugs, they have to handle significant development issues that require preliminary data analysis.

Experienced and skilled full-stack developers are highly efficient at creating the app exactly as per the business requirements. However, businesses need to understand that no developer can be a master of everything and is aware of all used techniques and processes. Thus, some developers may have a good command over the front-end development whereas others might be efficient at back-end development. Thus, while hiring full-stack developers they need to properly search for the developers that possess the right set of skills as per their requirements. 

Hire Laravel Developers to Get Flawless Solutions for Real Business Growth Marketing August 25, 2021

Businesses planning to build compelling and visually stunning websites or applications for their organizations using Laravel need to hire highly efficient and knowledgeable Laravel developers for their next project. PHP framework is preferred by developers to build high-performance dynamic websites and applications. It is a fact that 8 out of 10 websites on the web use PHP for development. Though there are various PHP frameworks available in the market, Laravel is an ideal choice for everyone.

Is Laravel still relevant in 2021?

An absolute Yes! There has been a dramatic rise in the number of businesses looking to hire proficient Laravel developers in recent years. Why? Laravel has gone through multiple upgrades in 2021 and has gone on to become the hot favorite amongst PHP frameworks for web application development. Laravel has a layered structure and maybe a bit slower in code execution; however, the same also leads to it offering more tools and resources, making it one of the most reliable frameworks to leverage. Additionally, Laravel has become the best choice of developers as it allows them to start anything from scratch. This feature-rich and highly potent language makes it easy for developers to build functional and effective websites or web applications.

Things to look for while hiring a Laravel Developer

Businesses while hiring Laravel developers should first be completely aware of their project needs. Businesses should describe all their project requirements to the developers and should know about the process through which they will be able to achieve it. Businesses while hiring the Laravel developers should properly communicate the end goal of their projects and the functionalities they are looking to achieve from the application.

Businesses need to consider several aspects while hiring an ideal Laravel developer and one of those aspects is checking their prior experience and verifying their portfolios. It is significant because by doing so businesses will know their overall experience in web development, their skills, expertise, and the quality of their work. Businesses should try to obtain developer feedback from their former employees to gain a better perspective about their skills, expertise, and experience.

Hiring a Laravel developer that uses an agile approach to develop top-quality websites and applications will prove beneficial for the businesses, as a professional developer is efficient in giving the best open-source solutions. Expert and adept Laravel developers have intensive hands-on experience in creating interactive web and app solutions that upgrade businesses’ overall web operations.

Hiring dedicated Laravel developers will speed up the development process of the businesses, as these developers would be exclusively working on their projects. The adept developers will build outstanding websites and apps with the help of the latest tools and technologies and will also render custom web app development solutions at affordable costs.

Businesses while hiring Laravel developers should check the technical skill of the developers, as they should not only be proficient in Laravel but should also be well-versed in key web development technologies and languages like XML, HTML, and JavaScript and it will be even better if they have sound knowledge of RDBMS. Businesses hiring dedicated Laravel developers from a reputed company can be assured to receive the best value for their money, as experienced and knowledgeable Laravel developers have the skills and proficiency in building custom web apps, enterprise solutions, and RESTful web services.

Hire MERN Stack Developers to Create Futuristic Apps & Websites Marketing August 17, 2021

Recently, there has been a huge demand for mobile and web application development across diverse businesses. Thus all the aspiring developers are highly focused on choosing the right tech stack to build their career. Stack is a combination of programming languages, technologies, or software products used either to build or run an application or helps in the completion of a certain task. MERN is one of the three technology stacks that are leading the software development arena. MERN is a modified version of the MEAN stack and is an open-source technology stack that is mainly used to design top-end web applications.

MERN Stack is an acronym for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js and is mainly used to design top-end web applications. Businesses looking to create futuristic apps and websites will need to hire MERN Stack developers to get the app developed.

MERN stack offers end-to-end frameworks for the developers to build dynamic applications and it supports MVC architecture that simplifies the whole process. MERN stack also possesses pre-build testing tools that simplify the developer’s work. Businesses looking to build high-performance JavaScript applications having all the benefits of a modern web application can hire experienced MERN stack developers. Hiring competent, skilled, experienced MERN stack developers will promptly deliver robust software solutions. Knowledgeable and experienced developers will ensure an immersive and interactive experience with minimal effort and are highly proficient in developing advanced websites and web applications for industries of diverse verticals and niches.

Businesses need to carefully hire proficient MERN stack developers to leverage the full potential of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js and to experience significant benefits. No matter, whether the businesses are looking for ERP development, CMS development, or a custom web app, they can hire dedicated and skilled MERN stack developers to build innovative web solutions. Besides, businesses can hire dedicated MERN stack developers for the following web or mobile app development.

Enterprise Development Solutions

Experienced MERN stack developers can be hired for building scalable enterprise application that is cost-effective and run seamlessly across devices.   

CMS Development

Adept MERN Stack developers should be hired by businesses to build user-friendly and interactive CMS for small to large-scale businesses.

E-commerce Application Development

A competent MERN stack developer crafts intuitive, secure, and responsive dashboards for E-commerce applications and web pages to build from the ground.

Custom Application Development

An adept MERN stack developers are efficient in building cutting-edge dynamic websites and web applications to provide businesses with a plethora of benefits.

Adroit MERN Stack developers are skilled with each component of MERN and are competent in creating best-in-class MERN JavaScript-based applications. The seasoned MERN stack programmers are proficient in developing futuristic websites and web applications that impart a competitive edge to businesses. These developers are highly proficient in top-notch technologies and render supreme development services in less amount of time. 

8 best Vue Mobile UI Framework for developing apps Marketing August 13, 2021

Vue can be used to build Mobile Apps too, and in the process of building those apps, you are going to come across several UI Frameworks to choose from. Vue.js has become a popular choice among the development community as it offers features like cross-platform app development, great documentation, and requires you to just have basic knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Vue will help you develop a high-quality application that delivers your ideas in the best possible way. In this blog, we will talk about some of the many frameworks that will help you build a Mobile Application with Vue.

1.Quasar Framework: 

A powerful framework that allows you to build hybrid mobile apps. The best thing with the Quasar framework is that with this framework, the application will use VueJS 2 at its core paired up with a near-native like user-interface. You will also be able to ship responsive apps or mobile apps that use the same codebase. There are many reasons why the Quasar Framework makes for a popular choice. Some of the reasons are; A great performance that will not disappoint its users, Rich documentation available on its website, providing an extensive set of UI components (Vue based), etc. 


If you need some help with Vue-based web projects, then Vuetify.js is the best option for you. With Google’s material design patterns for the UI components, Vuetify is a component framework for Vue. Material Design components such as cards, sidebar, tabs, etc. are also available in Vuetify.js. Vuetify will help you build a framework that has everything you need and more.


Framework7 offers abundant native-like UI components that are needed to create web applications. One can build applications using the material look or the iOS look as it does not support any other platform. Since Framework7 has Vue.js components, this open-source mobile HTML framework works well with Vue and helps to develop hybrid applications. 

4.Onsen UI for Vue: 

A framework that supports Vue, Angular, and React, Onsen UI is used for building hybrid applications. Offering a range of UI elements, Onsen UI ensures that you build an application that is simple to use but serves all purposes.

5.Vue Native: 

If you use Vue Native, then you have opened all the options of React Native as well since Vue Native compiles to React Native. Being Highly adaptive is one of the key features of Vue Native that attracts its users. This framework uses JavaScript to develop some efficient cross-platform native mobile applications. Vue Native has got the best of both worlds as it is a combination of Vue and React. It has features of both which makes it a popular choice among the developing community. 

6.Ionic Vue:

Ionic Vue is yet another popular framework that allows integration of other popular frameworks such as React, Vue, and Angular. The ionic framework has become one of the top choices as it gives its users the freedom to use the JavaScript they are most comfortable with. With such liberty and effectiveness, Ionic Vue makes for a great Mobile UI Framework that can be used for developing high-quality, cross-platform native apps. 


Another open-source framework that makes for a great choice for building a native mobile application. You can develop the application either with Vue.js or choose from other JavaScript frameworks such as Angular. Building cross-platform Android and iOS apps become much easier as this framework combines features of both: Vue and NativeScript. The only thing to keep in mind is that with NativeScript, you will have to use NativeScript UI elements as regular HTML elements do not exist here. 

8.Bootstrap Vue:

Even though Bootstrap is still working on its components and will deliver its services efficiently in time, various components such as pagination, dropdown, breadcrumbs, etc. are already available for users.


After reading about some of the best Vue Mobile UI Frameworks for developing apps, it is up to you and your team to decide which one works best for you. Choose a framework that serves your needs but also allows you to customize it in ways you want to. 

Why is Vue.js a growing sensation among the development community? Marketing August 6, 2021

Vue.js, a development framework that will serve all your programming needs. Building User Interfaces has become more efficient and easy with the help of Vue. This trendy framework ensures that you have the best UI/UX for your web application and do not disappoint your clients. For frontend development, Vue is a popular choice as it does not pose any obstacles in the way of producing a dynamic result. Its adaptability and the fact that it can be integrated into other big projects easily are just some of the reasons why Vue.js is a growing sensation among the development community. Here are some other reasons why Vue has become a popular choice:

1.Data Binding:

Establishing a connection between the UI and the data displayed becomes effective and efficient with Vue as it also allows you to make style changes, assign classes, etc. 


If you think that all significant results come from a challenging and tiring process, then you are wrong. Building User Interfaces becomes easier with Vue as it does not require you to be an expert to work on any project. Having a basic knowledge of JavaScript and HTML is enough to work on your project. This fast-paced development environment is one of the reasons why the development community is shifting to Vue. Vue allows you to get instant results but it only demands some basic knowledge which if you are in the development community, you are expected to have. If you look at other frameworks, you would be required to learn other languages to get significant results. 


One of the key features of Vue is its versatility. Vue is adaptable to any framework such as React, AngularJS, etc., and has also become an ideal choice for building large applications. Vue has the best of both worlds as it is inspired by Angular and React, and has taken the good features from both frameworks. Customization becomes effortless when Vue is open to applications built using any framework. 


Knowing all your options and then selecting the best one is the ideal way to go and Vue allows for that to happen. With very detailed documentation, it will provide you all the options that can make the development efficient and effective. In the software development industry today, one needs to keep updating and keeping up with the trends. And Vue is constantly updating and growing. The improvement in Vue is significant and it all comes with an introductory guide to make things even easier for the users.


The community that is responsible for answering user questions, getting in touch with the audience, and solving their problems should be the best in the company. With Vue, the previous statement is true. It might seem impossible to think but Vue answered all the questions asked on its official website. Even now, Vue has been trying to answer as many questions and as many queries as it can, which leads to smooth things up for the public. With the audience growing at all times, it might become a little hard to keep up with the questions but Vue has an incredible community of Support team members who are there to help you every step of the way. 


Vue offers very few restrictions and allows the programmers to take a different approach and solve the problem as they would like to. The use of various libraries is also something that helps users up to a great extent. Vue can also be used to develop mobile applications. Flexibility in any framework allows for more ideas to cultivate and opens room for better results.


The development community is itself a developing and growing community where people learn new things every day. Vue.js is a user-friendly framework that helps developers build a user-friendly interface with ease. Vue.js is also developing and updating, adding new features to it to serve its users in the best possible way. This is the reason why Vue.js is a growing sensation among the development community. 

Hire Adept Node.js Developers for Effortless Web and App Development Marketing August 4, 2021

Node.js is among the top ten technologies preferred by both digital honchos like Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, IBM, PayPal, and LinkedIn as well as startups. These organizations make use of this open-source JavaScript runtime framework for the development and maintenance of their online portals. It is the most popular framework used to develop highly effective server-side solutions and tools. A whopping 51% of the worldwide developers use this JavaScript runtime framework because of its speed and multi-user proficiency. It is a combination of library, framework, and other app development tools that streamlines web application development and ensures effortless app development. Thus, there is a great demand for developers with multiple companies looking to hire skilled and experienced Node.js developers. 

This open-source JS-based framework has a wide range of applications and hence it has been used across diverse industries and technology. Seeing the multiple benefits of this framework, an increasing number of companies wish to make use of this technology for developing solutions and hence they hire Node.js developers for building web applications in real-time. It is a highly comfortable framework that eases the application development process. Application development is faster with this framework, as Node.js developers can build and execute the code on the server-side.  

Skills to Look for while Hiring Node.JS Developers

Node.js is reigning in the app development arena with a majority of software development companies including this framework in their development services. Since Node.js is mostly used for large-scale applications where information is exchanged directly between the user and server, so it becomes essential for the companies to carefully hire Node.js developers. While hiring Node.js developers businesses need to look for some vital skills such as:

  • Good understanding of the front-end and major principles of API development
  • Ability to work with databases and cloud platforms
  • Quick to spot and fix issues in the app development process
  • Capable of delivering streamlined, readable, and well-documented code
  • Knowledge of agile development methods
  • Node.js developer should be a team player besides having technical skills

Benefits of Hiring Node.js Developers

Node.js, a robust development environment, is easily becoming the standard for enterprise level-applications because it increases productivity and boosts the performance of applications. Hiring a professional Node.js developer will reward with the following benefits:

  1. Node.js developers can build everything from messaging apps to streaming data apps to IoT products while reaping its benefits like excellent performance, scalability, cross-platform development, rich ecosystem, uniformity in data streaming, and more.
  2. Node.js developers make use of an extensive set of code to develop scalable software applications and the use of JavaScript makes it easy to connect to databases, build plugins and frameworks, create a web server and perform numerous tasks. Due to these flexibilities, software development time is reduced.
  3. Technical complexities hide in Node.js, making the app run concurrently across networks and Node.js developers can create a web server with just six lines of code. 
  4. Node.js also enables developers to create scalable technology by breaking the application logic into smaller microservices to ensure flexibility and build the groundwork for future growth.