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A captive survey engine for a non-profit working in the area of solar power generation to capture, analyze, report, and benchmark data


B2B E-Commerce




Product Development
DevOps Solution


GOGLA is a neutral, independent, not-for-profit industry association promoting clean, quality off-grid lighting. Clean Energy Access Network is an all-India representative organization that recognizes off-grid energy solutions beyond bridging the energy gap by addressing lighting, cooking, pumping needs, and so on. With their aim to strengthen the clean energy space, GOGLA and CLEAN wanted to enhance awareness in rural pockets of India, given that energy has always been a pain point in these areas. Increased awareness meant an added impetus for energy products.

Problem Statement

GOGLA and CLEAN wanted their clients (rural and urban companies) to help them with their experience in clean energy space. However, getting this information from them was a big challenge, given the logistical and administrative challenges. This meant an inability to capture inputs accurately, leading to a lack of data points from a decision-making standpoint. Additionally, the lack of existing footprints across the country did not help them understand their standing across products like Off-grid Solar, Mini-Grids, Solar Pumps, and Improved Cookstoves categories.


Incentius worked with GOGLA to understand the requirement, and collectively it was decided to build a survey tool for capturing multiple data points from urban and rural distributors. The survey once filled up, would have given all the recipients the ability to visualize performance in different categories along with their company’s market share in India. However, there was this underlying fear of not getting enough responses. That’s where the 3-Data point rule was implemented. This rule enticed the distributor to get the survey filled up by two more companies, failing which they would not be able to get access to product, market, and potentially related information which was a critical need from a strategic perspective. This solution worked like a wonder, and feedback started pouring in. There was enough data collected to create visualizations on product performance primarily driven by Wattage usage.


The impacts of these surveys contributed towards the creation of concrete market intelligence, which even today helps industry members and financiers to make informed decisions and strengthen the case for the development impact made by the sector. Additionally, these survey rounds provide rural and urban companies with personalized market share information and enhanced insights into market trends. It also helps GOGLA and Clean Network to spread awareness of sector-wide Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) information and support the growth of the sector in India. Lastly, it enhances the ability of the industry to attract investments and the ability of GOGLA and Clean Network to formulate effective policy guidelines.

Contact Information

Drop us your details. We'd love to have a chat with you to understand how we can collaborate in building a strong data backbone for your organization.

Location #13, 3rd Floor, City Vista, Kharadi, Pune, India 411014