Python is a top-level programming language with high-level built-in data structures with dynamic typing and binding features that are ideal for rapid web and application development. It is also used as a scripting or glue language to connect existing segments. This language is being used in several web development projects, machine learning, AI computing, and academic research, so Python is used for various tasks. Over the years, Python has become one of the preferred programming languages of developers because of its efficiency, readability, and syntax simplicity. The most valuable feature of Python is its huge standard library that reduces the coder's burden by allowing them to obtain the value of the characteristics of the language along with its additional tools.
The demand for Python developers has escalated by 456% in the research and analysis sector, as per the Forbes report. The flexibility of the Python language makes it valuable for diverse industries like web development, game development, system automation, security testing, general and application-specific scripting, finance and trading, and computer graphics, etc. Thus, businesses from any of these domains seeking Python developers with adequate skill set for the niche of their businesses will find challenges in hiring Python developers. Undoubtedly, the safest and most profitable way to hire Python developers is from leading development companies that outsource skilled and adept developers.
With Titan group of companies like Google, Facebook, Quora, Instagram, Spotify, and Netflix using Python for their components, there has been a great demand for Python developers among both startups and well-established businesses. However, companies need to be careful while hiring Python developers and should pay attention to the following aspects:
Technical Knowledge and Background
Companies while hiring python developers should check their Python knowledge and skills, basic programming knowledge, as well as their project experience. This will give them an idea about their work responsibilities as well as their previous work experience. Developers who can show clarity on their Python proficiency and can briefly discuss their work and technical background will prove best for the company. Companies should also check developer's experience with the use of Python frameworks and tools.
Completed Python Certification and Courses
Companies looking to hire Python developers should make sure that the developers have complete Python courses and certifications that validate their skills and formalize their language knowledge. An adept and experienced Python developer will not only have knowledge on usage and comprehension of Python frameworks and tools but they must have completed Python courses and certifications.
Adequate Skill-Set
Companies while hiring Python developers need to be clear about the skill-set of the developers which they are looking for according to their company’s requirements. This will help them pick the perfect candidate possessing all the essential skills which they expect in the developers they are hiring. Usually, Python developers having basic knowledge of other programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are preferred who also have extensive knowledge of the Python frameworks, tools, and libraries. An ideal Python developer is also proficient in object-oriented programming, server-side templating languages in addition to good English communication skills.