Avoiding Common Pitfalls: The Best Approach to AWS SES Integration in Flask

Email functionality is crucial for any web application. Whether it's for sending registration confirmations, password resets, or system alerts, ensuring emails are sent reliably is a top priority. AWS Simple Email Service (SES) provides a powerful, scalable, and cost-effective solution for sending emails in Flask applications. However, many developers run into common pitfalls when setting up AWS SES.

In this post, we'll explore the best approach to integrate AWS SES into Flask and highlight common mistakes to avoid. By the end of this post, you'll have a solid, clean implementation that ensures reliable and secure email delivery.


AWS SES is a cloud-based email sending service that is both cost-effective and highly reliable. Here’s why you should consider using AWS SES for email functionality in Flask:

  • Cost-Effective: AWS SES is affordable, especially if you're sending a high volume of emails. It has a generous free tier, and additional email costs are low.
  • Scalable and Reliable: With AWS SES, you don't have to worry about email deliverability or server downtime.
  • Simple API: SES provides a simple, flexible API that is easy to integrate into Flask.

Setting Up AWS Configuration and Credentials

Before diving into the Flask implementation, you must configure your AWS credentials. These credentials are used by boto3 to authenticate with AWS services like SES.

  1. Credentials File (~/.aws/credentials):


2. Config File (~/.aws/config):


Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Using AWS SES

While integrating AWS SES into Flask is straightforward, many developers run into common issues:

  • Unverified Email Addresses: You can only send emails to verified email addresses in the SES sandbox environment.
  • Lack of Proper IAM Permissions: Incorrect IAM roles or policies may block your ability to send emails through SES.
  • Not Handling SES Errors Gracefully: If SES fails, not handling the error properly can cause your application to fail silently or crash.
  • Ignoring SES Sending Limits: AWS SES imposes sending limits that may affect how many emails you can send, especially in the sandbox environment.

By addressing these issues in advance, you can ensure that your email functionality is secure and reliable.

The Right Way to Set Up AWS SES in Flask

Let’s break down the correct approach to integrating AWS SES with Flask. We’ll walk through the setup process step by step, highlight the logic behind it, and ensure that we avoid common mistakes.

Step 1: Install Required Libraries

Before we start coding, let’s install the libraries needed for this project. Specifically, we’ll use boto3, the official AWS SDK for Python. Boto3 enables your Flask application to interact with AWS services, including SES, in a simple and Pythonic way.

What is boto3?

Boto3 is the AWS SDK for Python, allowing Python applications to interact with AWS services programmatically. With boto3, you can perform tasks such as:

  • Sending emails using AWS SES.
  • Uploading files to Amazon S3.
  • Interacting with DynamoDB, EC2, and other AWS services.

For this guide, we’ll use boto3 to handle email sending via AWS SES. Its simple API allows seamless integration of AWS services into your Python application.

Install boto3 and Flask

To begin, install the required libraries using pip:

pip install boto3 flask

Step 2: Initialize AWS SES in Flask

Next, initialize the SES client in Flask. This connects your Flask application to AWS SES using the credentials and configuration defined earlier.

from flask import Flask
import boto3

app = Flask(__name__)

ses_client = boto3.client('ses', region_name='us-east-1')

Step 3: Create a Function to Send Emails

Define a send_email function to handle email sending using AWS SES. This function will support both HTML and plain text email bodies.

def send_email(sender_email, recipient_email, subject, html_body, text_body=None):
    Sends an email using AWS SES.

    :param sender_email: Verified email address in SES to send the email from.
    :param recipient_email: Email address to send the email to.
    :param subject: Subject of the email.
    :param html_body: HTML content of the email.
    :param text_body: Optional plain-text content of the email for fallback.

        message = {
            "Source": sender_email,
            "Destination": {
                "ToAddresses": [recipient_email]
            "Message": {
                "Subject": {"Data": subject},
                "Body": {
                    "Html": {"Data": html_body}
        if text_body:
            message["Message"]["Body"]["Text"] = {"Data": text_body}

        response = ses_client.send_email(**message)

        if response is None:
            raise Exception("SES response is None")
        return {"success": True, "response": response}

    except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e:
        return {"success": False, "error": f"Error sending email: {str(e)}"}
    except Exception as e:
        return {"success": False, "error": str(e)}

Step 4: Define the Flask Route to Handle Requests

We now create a Flask route that accepts a POST request to send the email. This route will receive a JSON payload containing the email details, call the send_email function, and return the result to the user.

Below is an example of the JSON structure you need to send in the API request:

  "sender_email": "verified_sender@example.com",
  "recipient_email": "recipient@example.com",
  "subject": "Welcome to Our Service!",
  "html_body": "<h1>Hello, John!</h1><p>Welcome to our service.</p>",
  "text_body": "Hello, John! Welcome to our service."

Here’s the route implementation in Flask:

@app.route('/send-email-api', methods=['POST'])
def send_email_api():
    API endpoint to send an email using AWS SES.
        data = flask.request.json
        required_fields = ["sender_email", "recipient_email", "subject", "html_body"]
        missing_fields = [field for field in required_fields if field not in data]
        if missing_fields:
            return flask.jsonify(success = False, error = f"Missing fields: {', '.join(missing_fields)}")

        sender_email = data["sender_email"]
        recipient_email = data["recipient_email"]
        subject = data["subject"]
        html_body = data["html_body"]
        text_body = data.get("text_body") 

        result = send_email(sender_email, recipient_email, subject, html_body, text_body)

        if result["success"]:
            return flask.jsonify(success= True, message= "Email sent successfully!", response = result["response"])
            return flask.jsonify(success = False, error = result["error"])

    except Exception as e:
        return flask.jsonify(success = False, error = str(e))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Key Improvements and Refinements

  • Error Handling: We've implemented proper error handling using BotoCoreError and ClientError from the botocore package. This ensures that if AWS SES encounters any issues, your Flask application doesn't crash unexpectedly and provides a clear error message to the user.
  • Optional Plain-Text Content: If the email includes an HTML body, we optionally add a plain-text version of the body as a fallback. This ensures that recipients who cannot view HTML emails still receive the content in a readable format.
  • Input Validation: The route validates that all required fields are provided in the JSON payload. This avoids issues where missing fields could cause failures when calling AWS SES.

Why This Approach Works

  • Reliability: By handling errors and validating inputs, this implementation ensures that your email sending functionality is robust and scalable.
  • Maintainability: The clear separation between logic (sending emails) and Flask route (handling API requests) makes it easy to maintain and extend the application.
  • Flexibility: The ability to send both HTML and plain-text emails allows you to cater to a wide variety of email clients, ensuring maximum compatibility.


Integrating AWS SES into your Flask application is a straightforward and efficient way to handle email functionality. By following best practices, you can avoid common mistakes like failing to verify email addresses, mishandling SES errors, or sending emails without proper content formatting.

In this post, we’ve shown you the right approach to integrate AWS SES into Flask, highlighting how to send both HTML and plain-text emails, handle errors gracefully, and avoid the most common pitfalls that developers face when using SES. With this guide, you'll be well-equipped to implement email functionality in your Flask applications securely and efficiently.

About Author

Saurav Jaiswal